L the Blue Wizard
L the Blue Wizard
"L the Blue Wizard" is a highly detailed and intricately designed 3D printed miniature created by Twin Goddess Miniatures, specifically tailored for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and other tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). This miniature depicts a majestic and enigmatic figure known as "L," a powerful blue wizard known for their mastery of arcane spells and spellcasting abilities.
"L the Blue Wizard" miniature showcases exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. The miniature is printed using high-quality resin, which allows for the creation of fine and delicate features, capturing every intricate aspect of the character's design.
"L" is depicted wearing a long, flowing robe adorned with magical symbols and intricate patterns. The robe is expertly sculpted to convey a sense of movement, as if it is being gently stirred by unseen magical forces. The intricate details on the robe, such as the folds, creases, and textures, are meticulously crafted, showcasing the level of skill and artistry put into the design.
The wizard's pose exudes an air of confidence and wisdom. With one hand raised, they appear to be casting a spell or invoking a powerful incantation. The other hand holds a staff, carved with intricate runes and glowing with arcane energy. The staff is beautifully sculpted with ornate details, further emphasizing the wizard's mastery over magic.
To enhance the mystique and enchantment of the character, the miniature features various spell effects. Wisps of blue magical energy swirl around "L," emanating from their hands and staff. These translucent spell effects are delicately sculpted, giving the impression of ethereal energy in motion.
The "L the Blue Wizard" miniature is perfect for collectors, enthusiasts, and tabletop gamers who seek to bring their D&D or TTRPG campaigns to life. Its high-quality design and attention to detail make it an ideal centerpiece for any gaming table or a treasured addition to a miniature collection.
All our miniatures are 3D printed in high resolution for maximum detail, ready to prime and paint for your next game.
Size: This miniature is available in both 32mm and 75mm scale as indicated by the sculptor. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like size specifics
Color: Each miniature is printed using high quality ABS-Like Resin. This should help them survive your next gameplay session. Care should still be taken as resin miniatures are subject to breakage when handled with excessive force (including gravity). Optionally, you may choose to have me prime the model prior to shipment. Priming will be done with Army Painter 'Uniform Grey" Spray Primer.
Preparation: Every miniature is carefully cleaned, has supports removed, and cured prior to safely packaging and sending. Great care is taken during prep, but some support marks may remain as is the nature of this hobby. You may need to sand small areas prior to painting. Once primed and painted, these should no longer be visible.
Assembly: Multi-part miniatures will arrive ready for assembly with the aid of superglue.
Licensing: Hammer's Forge is licensed to sell physical prints of Twin Goddess Miniatures models obtained through the Twin Goddess Miniatures MMF Tribe. https://www.myminifactory.com/users/twingoddessmini